The main thing when it comes to PW guitar amps is the size and number of speakers and speaker cabinets. You'll need a lot of sound pressure level (SPL) to be heard over the deafening roar of your church's private jet as it taxies around the airport, departing and returning from the continuous money hunt.
Only the 10,000 watt Great Orange Cube of Hypocrisy can take your soaring leads all the way into the Thermosphere.

Yes, a rig of this magnitude will set you back but, come on, that millionaire snake oil salesman you call a pastor can swing it! Like all things pertaining to contemporary Protestantism, it's an investment!
Need some pedals? We've got recommendations for those as well.
Only the 10,000 watt Great Orange Cube of Hypocrisy can take your soaring leads all the way into the Thermosphere.

Yes, a rig of this magnitude will set you back but, come on, that millionaire snake oil salesman you call a pastor can swing it! Like all things pertaining to contemporary Protestantism, it's an investment!
Need some pedals? We've got recommendations for those as well.